How Our Counselors Can Help You Reach Your Goals

A Change in Mindset Has a Powerful Ability to Allow You to Achieve Your Goals

When we are struggling with our mental health, excitement toward our goals is often the last thing on our minds. After all, our minds are racing with seemingly hundreds of other thoughts (and they usually aren’t very optimistic when we’re struggling). Though setting and reaching goals isn’t front of mind when you are in a difficult spot, it is actually a fantastic way to help you get into a brighter headspace.  That said, a change in mindset needs to happen before you will feel inspired to set and work toward future goals. That’s where our counselors come in.  

Rock Life Counseling in Indianapolis, IN  

We want our clients to get to a place where they feel empowered to rock their life (hence, our name).  Everyone needs a support system in order to reach their fullest potential, but when you are struggling with your mental health, you need a support system that is equipped with the professional insight to give you the support you deserve. The most difficult part of working with Rock Life Counseling is reaching out.  

Asking for help is difficult as we all have undue pressure (at some level) that we can or should navigate our obstacles ourselves. The reality is getting help is not only normal but necessary. We need other people that care about us involved in our journey. That is what the counselors at Rock Life do: we give our patients the tools they need to create a brighter future while rooting for them every step of the way. Once patients feel heard and supported, they start to experience a shift in their mindset, which is where we can start focusing on the future.  

Setting and Reaching Your Goals  

After we have spent time together to shift your mindset, which is the most important step in our mental health journey, we can start focusing on goals. Every individual should have goals that are unique to them, but the way we work toward goals actually looks quite similar for everyone. It starts with effective goal-setting – something that is best done when you have support.  

Setting S.M.A.R.T. goals is a goalsetting method that has proven results for countless individuals. The acronym stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely (or time-bound). What this method does is allow you to create goals that are actionable and allow for reflection at a specific point in time. It works for both short and long-term goals, though, long-term goals might be broken down into a  few different S.M.A.R.T. goals as you take steps toward the larger goal. We can help you both create the goals and operate as your sounding board as you navigate through your goals.  

Mental Health Treatment Should Feel Comforting  

Mental health treatment in Indianapolis, IN doesn’t have to feel like a clinical experience. In fact, our approach is centered around providing our clients with a support system more than anything else (giving practical tools along the way). We partner with you to give you the help you need at the pace you need it.

We start with a change in mindset, then work toward forward-looking goals to help you revive your excitement for the future. Reach out to us today to begin your journey by getting matched with the counselor that would suit you best!

Book an appointment here or call us at 3176476507